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Updating Data

If you want to add or remove an element from a list, you can easily implement it with some directives.

Adding Data

@prependNode adds a element to the top of a list, and @appendNode adds a element to the bottom of a list.

mutation AddItemMutation($input: AddItemInput!, $connections: [String!!) {
addItem(input: $input) {
item @prependNode(connections: $connections) {

And you must have attached @pagination to the connection field for the following.

fragment List_user on User {
items(first: $count, after: $cursor) @pagination {
edges {
node {

If you attached @pagination, Nau will generate a _connectionId. You must specify this _connectionId to the connections argument of @prependNode in order for Nau to guess which connection to add the element to.

Run yarn graphql-codegen to generate documents and use _connectionId.

const List: React.FC<{ user: List_UserFragment }> = ({ user }) => {
// ...
const [addItem] = useMutation(AddItemMutationDocument);
// ...
return (
onClick={() =>
void addItem({
variables: {
input: { itemName: 'new item', userId: },
connections: [user.items._connectionId],
Add Item

Removing data

You can also delete data. @deleteRecord removes data from the cache based on the id contained in a mutation result. It will also automatically remove edges associated with the data from all connections to which @pagionation is attached.

mutation RemoveItemMutation($input: RemoveItemInput!) {
removeItem(input: $input) {
removedItem {
id @deleteRecord(typename: "Item")

You have to attach the @deleteRecord directive only, and no other work is required. Nau will automatically manipulate the cache based on the mutation result.


@appendNode/@appendNode and @deleteRecord also work the same with Subscription as they do with Mutation.

subscription ItemAddedSubscription($connections: [String!]!) {
itemAdded {
item @prependNode(connections: $connections) {
subscription ItemRemovedSubscription {
itemRemoved {
id @deleteRecord(typename: "Item")