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When loading the next edges in a connection, you will get all data that has nothing to do with the connection if you reuse a query used to display the current page. But in most cases, it should be more efficient to request only the connection part.

By using some directives and hooks, you can paginate with less code while making efficient API requests.

First, create a fragment in the list component. Then, add some directives to that fragment.

fragment List_user on User
@argumentDefinitions(count: { type: "Int", defaultValue: 2 }, cursor: { type: "String" })
@refetchable(queryName: "List_PaginationQuery") {
items(first: $count, after: $cursor) @pagination {
edges {
node {

Attaching @refetchable to a fragment generates a query for refetching data using node(id:) in your backend API. The @argumentDefinitions are needed to define necessary variables when generating the refetch query. Attach @pagination to the connection field to indicate to Nau which part of the query is the connection to be paginated.

Let's use the generated refetch query.

const { nodes, hasNext, loadNext, isLoading } = usePagination(List_PaginationQueryDocument, {
connection: user.items,

Nau generates the refetch query with the name specified in the queryName argument of @refetchable. You can use it with usePagination.

The id argument of usePagination will be the id specified in node(id:). The connection argument is the field to which @pagination is attached.

You can use return values of usePagination to display data and place a "read more" button.

import { usePagination } from '@kazekyo/nau';
import { List_PaginationQueryDocument, List_UserFragment } from './generated/graphql';

gql` /* GraphQL */
fragment List_user on User
@argumentDefinitions(count: { type: "Int", defaultValue: 2 }, cursor: { type: "String" })
@refetchable(queryName: "List_PaginationQuery") {
items(first: $count, after: $cursor) @pagination {
edges {
node {

const List: React.FC<{ user: List_UserFragment; }> = ({ user }) => {
const { nodes, hasNext, loadNext, isLoading } = usePagination(List_PaginationQueryDocument, {
connection: user.items,

return (
{, i) => {
return (
{hasNext && (
onClick={() => loadNext(2)}
Load more