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The usePagination is Hook for easy handling of pagination.

const { nodes, hasNext, loadNext, isLoading } = usePagination(List_PaginationQueryDocument, {
connection: user.items,


  • document: A GraphQL query document.
  • options:
    • id: A id of an object having Connection.
    • connection: A connection field.
    • variables: Variables required for query.


  • nodes: Array of nodes retrieved from a connection.
  • loadNext: A function used to fetch items on the next page in a connection.
  • loadPrevious: A function used to fetch items on the previous page in a connection.
  • hasNext: A value indicating whether item exists on the next page.
  • hasPrevious: A value indicating whether item exists on the previous page.
  • isLoading: value indicating whether the next/previous page is currently loading.